
Download The Secret of the Rosary

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Download The Secret of the Rosary

This work by St. Louis de Montfort is one of his most important writings. He describes the many benefits of the Rosary and how to say it with true devotion. Note this book is combined with The Secret of Mary, Love of Eternal Wisdom and Friends of the Cross in a collection called Writings of Saint Louis de Montfort for less than . ART I - WHAT THE ROSARY IS First Rose The prayers of the Rosary A White Rose A Red Rose A Mystical Rose Tree God Alone A Rosebud FIRST DECADE The surpassing merit of the Rosary as seen in its origin and name. First Rose: Prayers Second Rose: Origin and Name Third Rose: Saint Dominic Fourth Rose: Blessed Alan de la Roche Fifth Rose: Confraternity Sixth Rose: Mary's Psalter Seventh Rose: Crown of Roses Eighth Rose: Marvels of the Rosary Ninth Rose: Enemies Tenth Rose: Miracles SECOND DECADE The surpassing merit of the Rosary as seen in the prayers which compose it. Eleventh Rose: The Creed Twelfth Rose: The Our Father Th . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

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