
Free Flange bush EP22 bore 10mm outer diameter 12mm flange diameter 18mm length 9mm colour: white

Descriptions Flange bush EP22 bore 10mm outer diameter 12mm flange diameter 18mm length 9mm colour: white for Free

Download Flange bush EP22 bore 10mm outer diameter 12mm flange diameter 18mm length 9mm colour: white

Are you looking for place to read full E-Books without downloading? Here you can read Flange bush EP22 bore 10mm outer diameter 12mm flange diameter 18mm length 9mm colour: white. You can also read and download new and old full E-Books. Enjoy and relax Reading full Flange bush EP22 bore 10mm outer diameter 12mm flange diameter 18mm length 9mm colour: white Books online. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Material: Thermoplast polybutylenterephthalat, modified (PBT + PTFE), white.
Plain bearing flange bush made from thermoplastic with high dimension accuracy.
Low friction. Specially suited for dry-running and for use at very low up to middle high temperatures.
Good price/perfomance ratio with high dimension accuracy. Low friction, suitable also for lubrication-free running. Temperature range -50ºC bis + 170ºC.Operating Conditions:
dry : very good.
oiled: good.
water: very good.
field of aplication:Domestic appliances, chemical equipment, office equipment,
sports equipment, automotive (pedals, steering, axes) and many more.d1 [mm]10d2 [mm]12d3 [mm]18b1 [mm]9b2 [mm]1,0r [mm]0,3Minus Allowance d1 [mm]+0,025Plus Allowance d1 [mm]+0,083Weight [g]0,7

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